Auteur/autrice : Dominique Turcq

Finding purpose in this new world

« PURPOSE » |ˈpərpəs| noun the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists Purpose, a key word in any human endeavor.  What are we doing …

Twitter, office noise and the water cooler

The post of Luis Alberola,    « My connected life changed with Twitter » was interesting to me for an other reason than its very content. My personal work habits …

MyPath, a career destination

In this Beta world, in the middle of a crisis affecting employees and employers, when so many ask themselves questions about their career, Manpower is launching a very open …

MyPath, a career destination

In this Beta world, in the middle of a crisis affecting employees and employers, when so many ask themselves questions about their career, Manpower is launching a very open …

The World of Work is not flat

As I currently conduct a world wide analysis of the World of Work, partially to put things in perspective (one loses it when staying too long in OECD countries) …

The World of Work is not flat

As I currently conduct a world wide analysis of the World of Work, partially to put things in perspective (one loses it when staying too long in OECD countries) …

The Web 2.0 and the electric motor

Le Monde, the French Daily, published an article, link below, on the web 08, the leading event on Web2.0 created and managed by Loic Le Meur. The tone …

The Web 2.0 and the electric motor

Le Monde, the French Daily, published an article, link below, on the web 08, the leading event on Web2.0 created and managed by Loic Le Meur. The tone …